The Orton Effect is an extremely popular (some might say overused) technique that imbues images with a soft, ethereal glow and touch of blur to add a painterly quality to photographs. Used with restraint and on the right images, it is a wonderful effect for good reason.
This effect was initially accomplished in the darkroom, pioneered by photographer Michael Orton in the 1980s. The technique involves a multi-exposure film process: one image shot in focus and correctly exposed, another slightly out-of-focus and overexposed. These slides are then physically “sandwiched” during printing, creating the signature blend of sharp and soft details with a luminous glow.
Creating this effect digitally is trivial in applications like Adobe Photoshop. However, because the effect requires blurring to help achieve the characteristic softness, photographers often assume this effect can’t be created in RAW editors like Adobe Lightroom or Capture One. While Adobe Photoshop is the best way tool to achieve this effect (an image editor will always provide more power and precision over a RAW editor), the effect can be accomplished in Capture One, saving one the extra step of going to Photoshop if the rest of your editing is accomplished entirely in your RAW editor. Remember, the Orton Effect is about achieving a feel to an image, not cloning a technical effect.
This article guides you through the steps required to create the Orton Effect in Capture One, allowing you to bring that ethereal touch to your landscape photographs without ever needing to step into Photoshop.
Step-by-Step Breakdown Link to heading
Step 1: Create a Filled Adjustment Layer Link to heading
In the Layers panel, click the “+” icon and select “Filled Adjustment Layer” -> “Exposure.” This creates a virtual layer dedicated to modifying the highlights and adding the dreamy glow.
Step 2: Boost Brightness, Contrast, and Saturation Link to heading
Within the adjustment layer, increase the Brightness by 15, Contrast by 10, and Saturation by 10. This initial boost lays the groundwork for the dreamy effect. Blur and Soften:
Step 3: Utilize the Clarity tool to add the characteristic blur. Link to heading
Set Clarity to -100 and Texture to -50. This introduces a gentle blur, softening the details and enhancing the dreamy quality. Target the Highlights:
Step 4: Apply Luma Range to target highlights Link to heading
To ensure the glow effect primarily affects the highlights, apply a Luma Range to the adjustment layer. Click the small dropdown menu next to “Exposure” within the layer and choose “Luma Range.” Adjust the slider to target a range of 75 to 255. This concentrates the glow on the brighter areas, creating a more natural and balanced appearance.
Optional Step 5: Save as a Style Link to heading
Click the three dots in the top right corner of the adjustment layer and choose “Save as Style.” Name your style descriptively, like “Orton Effect.” This allows you to easily apply the same effect to other images with a single click.
Power Tip: Save as a Custom Brush Link to heading
Right-click on the adjustment layer and choose “Convert to Brush.” This transforms the entire effect into a brush tool. Adjust the brush size and feathering to your preference. You can now selectively paint the Orton Effect onto specific areas of your image, offering even greater control and artistic expression. By following these simple steps, you can unlock the magic of the Orton Effect in Capture One. Remember, experimentation is key! Adjust the values to find your own creative balance and personal aesthetic preferences. As you explore this technique, don’t hesitate to save your frequently used styles and brushes for a streamlined and efficient workflow.